Ally Speaks

Ally’s voice was heard this week for the first time in a long while.

Allyson Harris, Hunter’s mom, photo credit Jonathan Lee Riches YouTube

In the wake of Jose’s recent unveiling, YouTuber creator, Jonathan Lee Riches, released a video he filmed back in December 2021, when he was in Kingsport, TN with the “Heels on the Ground” crew. HOTG (comprised of BullHorn Betty, Molly GoLightly, JLR, and Chronicles of Olivia) caught up with Ally (Allyson Harris) and her family outside their home and filmed over forty minutes of conversation with them.

The video,”Interview with Allyson Harris, Mother of Hunter! Summer Wells, Candus Bly, Don Talk!” was just released three days ago and not only features Ally, whom we haven’t heard from since she spoke with Chris McDonough in August, but also her mother, Sherri Mullaney, whom we have never heard since Summer went missing, before this conversation.

Sherri makes a lot of accusations towards “Donnie” and Candus but very little of it sounds like it’s based in actual fact. Notice when she says Don “done something to my grandkids” and JLR asked her what he did, she said, “molested them, probably.” I didn’t catch that “probably” the first couple times I listened to her, but when I listened again, I noticed that Ally and Sherri actually break into a fight over Sherri’s claims that Candus molested Hunter.

Sherri Mullaney, photo credit Jonathan Lee Riches YouTube

Also, you probably noticed how Sherri keeps interrupting Ally and everyone tells her to shut up and let Ally speak. Ally is the one with the story we need to hear, but I get the feeling that Sherri is a real train wreck of a human to have as a mother and I genuinely felt for Ally in that situation. As if it wasn’t stressful enough that Ally was talking to a bunch of very pushy YouTubers about her minor son on a video that she knows is going to be seen by thousands of people, but she had to deal with her mother kicking off as well.

That’s not to say that you should discount Sherri’s stories because she does know Candus as well as anyone else in that group. After all, Sherri was the one who originally befriended Candus and brought her around Ally and her kids. Ally describes how she became friends with Candus through her mother in the uncut interview with Chris from The Interview Room. It was Sherri who introduced this whole Niagra Falls of drama, pain, and chaos that is Candus Wells into the lives of Ally and her grandchildren and they have all suffered greatly as a consequence.

What that tells me, let me know if you agree, is that these women really have their guards down when it comes to people they befriend and get “clannish” with. It’s a mistake many people make, actually, they align themselves or become “family” with someone based on loyalty and deviant behaviors that are part of the identity that comes with the affiliation.

Maybe Candus and Ally are both really bad bitches who other people are slightly afraid of and that’s why they got along? I didn’t get the vibe that they were providing pajama parties and age appropriate campfire stories when they had all the children bunched together in that house. The way Jose describes it, it’s more like the adults were always sitting around the kitchen table drinking and the children were downstairs watching tv or running wild with little to no supervision. (Oh, and he was also cooking, cleaning, and making sure the kids did their homework).

Some major points to take away from the conversation with Ally:

  1. Ally does NOT believe that Candus molested Hunter. Apparently, Ally has pressed charges against Candus but she doesn’t say what the charges are for. I assume it’s related to her giving Hunter alcohol and Puff Bars at the horse pond on June 15, but law enforcement hasn’t made a move on it so she doesn’t know if they’re pursuing it or what.
  2. Hunter was mentally disturbed after Candus dropped him off and had a breakdown later that day. Ally says Candus came by that morning and told her that she was going to take Summer fishing and wanted Hunter to go along. Ally says that she figured no harm could come from that and allowed him to go with Candus. Candus dropped Hunter off around 2:30pm. Ally claims she went down to the truck and asked to hug Summer because their normal interaction was that Summer would crawl right out of the truck and into Ally’s arms, or come right in the house. We did not know this about Summer before. That’s why Ally found it weird that Candus said no, to let her sleep. Ally said Hunter’s girlfriend’s mother came to pick him up around 3:30pm because he had an appointment and she brought him back home around 4:30pm and told Ally he needed to tell her something. Hunter then told her about the alcohol and the Puff bars. Ally said she didn’t believe Summer was really missing that day until she saw the missing child alert on Facebook. Ally says later that night, she got a text from Hunter’s girlfriend, showing something Hunter sent her that made Ally freak out, but she doesn’t go into detail about what it was. It was bad though, because Ally called her best friend to come over and the two of them talked Hunter out of his room after a while. Ally said Hunter was rocking back and forth and not talking. His great-grandmother (Gran-bun) says that Hunter wasn’t the same after he came back from being with Candus that day. She believes that Candus got him drunk and high and when he got home and started to sober up, it started hitting him what happened with Summer. Ally says she doesn’t know because Hunter has never spoken about that day to her or anyone. (Remember, this conversation with Ally took place in December, six months after Summer went missing, and Hunter STILL hasn’t talked about whatever happened that day when he was with Summer and Candus).
  3. Ally said Don told YouTube that her twelve-year-old daughter “has a body from fucking Hell.” Sherri chimed here about how Donnie molested all the kids and gave them alcohol. I actually believe that the whole time Sherri is talking, she’s mostly referring to two of her grandchildren, not Summer at all, because she has a beef with Don for giving Ally’s kids alcohol. Beneath Sherri’s side-show, however, are grains of truth, for certain.
  4. Andrew Hilts, Hunter’s father, tried to have Hunter kidnapped by a transporter and taken to New York over “concerns for his safety.” Ally claims that Andrew “never cared” until he found out there was a $70,000 reward for information that will solve Summer’s case. Ally claims that Hunter was terrified when he received a message from the transporter telling him to pack his bags then escape out his window to the street, where the transporter would be waiting to pick him up. She says she called the police right away and went toe-to-toe with the transporter when he finally came up on the porch, trying to take Hunter, and Ally turned him away.
  5. Ally has had a missing child before. I’m not positive which child she’s referring to, but Ally said her daughter who is seventeen now (I believe her name is Tru) ran away more than once when she was twelve with her 15-year-old boyfriend. Ally talks about how she would walk the streets all day looking for her when she would take off, even when she was in state custody. I guess her daughter spend time in juevy or group homes, as well, but when I heard Ally talking about her own experience, I understand even better why it was so immediate for Ally to know Candus wasn’t acting or talking right about Summer when she first went missing. Ally knows from personal experience what it’s like to be “that parent” with a missing kid and she’s handled it differently than Candus.

One thing that has always disturbed me about that whole scene where Candus dropped Hunter off at home around 2:30pm and that is the implications if Summer was, in fact, already deceased when Ally saw her sleeping on the milk jugs. I can’t shake it. If something fatal happened to Summer at the water hole, or while she was in the truck, then Candus dropped Hunter off at home knowing that he was forever traumatized by what happened and just went about her day … went home, took care of the body, put her groceries away, and started to piece together what she was going to tell Don that would convince him she’s telling the truth. IF that happened, how utterly low of a human can she be?

There’s a lot of competition happening between the matriarchs in the situation, as well. Gran-bun said Grandus was trying to poach Ally because Rose was dead and said Grandus tried to drive a wedge between Ally and Gran-bun. Ally was jealous when Candus was close with Sherri, then Sherri was jealous that Ally was friends with Candus after Sherri and Candus fell out. Sherri is clearly in competition with Ally on many levels.

Allyson (left), her grandmother (middle), and mother (right) photo credit Jonathan Lee Riches Facebook

Ally has spoken publically as recently as this week on Andrew Hilts’ YouTube channel (Hunter’s father). I hope to talk about some interesting information that was brought to light during the two phone calls that he livestreamed on his YouTube channel with Ally (all in response to Jose’s interview) but Andrew has said no one is allowed to use his videos without his permission, so I have emailed him and am waiting for a green light. There’s lots more to say about the interviews Jose has been doing with Justice 4 All. Watch for my next post where I’ll be discussing a few things Jose said that I found extremely disturbing.  

There will be another video tonight on Justice 4 All where Jose is going to show “receipts” for his time in Tennessee and South Carolina, so check that out if you’re interested in hearing what he’s got to say.

Anyone with information on Summer Wells is asked to contact the Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office at 423-272-7121 or the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-TBI-FIND.

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